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Monday, February 22, 2010

Summary of handout: “Ethical Consideration for Communicators” By: Aqeel Ahmed Rajpar

The article “Ethical consideration for Communicators” gives the reader good understanding of ethics and principles of the media, which should be practice by a communicator.

The handout focuses on the code of ethics, which are based on the principles of truthfulness, freedom, equality and fairness. Writers quoted International Declaration for Communicators, which says “respect for truth for the right of public to know truth”.

The writers give reference of National Union of Journalist’s code of professional conduct for communicators to illustrate their article that how the media man avoid the biasness and encourage the fairness in his/her reporting.

A communicator should respect his profession and perform his/her duties within the ethics of profession. Media man is representative of public and he/she doesn’t allow violating the trust of public on them.

Media man act as channel of communication between the source and its readers or viewers.

The writers stated that freedom of media is linked with the people’s right to know and is the heart of liberty. Media is one of the pillars of society in which media man should act as responsible person.

According to Mac bride Commission report 1980, media man is responsible towards society, international community and his internal organization.

The writers after discussing the duties and responsibilities of a media man put light on the role of media. And focuses on the professional ethics in journalism.

In 1983 through UNESCO declaration principles of professional ethics in journalism, which are freedom of opinion, expression and information, these principles are vital factors to strengthening peace and international understanding.

Media can play an important role in maintaining peace in the society; the instrument which journalists have is “words”. This instrument can be used only in condition of peace. So promotion of peace in society is the only way to defending freedom of speech.

The writers also give the reference of “The Courier” and “The Los Angels” six points’ guidelines to avoiding conflict of interest, for the betterment of the journalists.

In the last couple of paragraphs writers focuses on the ethics for communicator in Pakistan in the light of Islam. In 1963 Ayub’s regime promulgated the Press and Publication Ordinance and later in 1988 it become Registration of Press and Publication Ordinance.

The 1973 constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan guarantees to citizens freedom of expression and freedom of communication. However some restrictions are imposed by laws in the interest of Islam.

In the end writers give the declaration of Pakistan Newspaper Editors Council that what should be avoided in any form of publication, such as news, editorials, photographs and advertisement.

After reading the article on can easily understand the code of ethics of this noble profession. ###

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