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Sunday, May 10, 2009


An attack on Srilankan team was a very bad thing. Due to that we get bad remarks from all over the world. But.As every thing two face (positive and negative )so as it is,this accident has lots of negative and one positive thought. Now any team will not come and none will call them and our players will take a long rest. No one can figure out their style of play.As the Bangladesh's team didn't ask to come to pakistani team due to security reson.
Some years ago the Pakistani team has a golden name in every field of sports( but it is a dream now) like wise as well as squash and every game which play on national stage.We have professionalism and sports man sprite. Although we didn't have that much luxuries. but, lots of famous institute take as a employee that persons because of that they don't feel worry for their financial problem. And put their all concentration towards sports and home of pakistan.But as well as world being commercialize (this is started from Cary peker).It runs like a low poison in the vains of cricket players.Sells name of their committe and their faitness just for some money.
We have lotes of name of players ( Majid khan, Asif Iqbal, Imran Khan etc) who kept their patriotism towards name of Pakistan.And they win because of their sincerity.
As Squash(Roshan Khan,Jhangir Khan) put their all right on squash in all world. When they enter in court the opposite person lose their confidence.When we talk about the hockey so Hanif Muhammad, Sami Ullah, Shahbaz Rasool and other players were very famous. But now we are on that stage where we haven't show any extra ordinary work in sports. Reason isn't that we do't have talent.We have alot of talent but problem is that they aren't getting opportunity.
Minister of sports should promote that kind of programe from that student of university and colleges get opportunity. In these days we can not do any thing for cricket on national bases. Field of jim and sports of university have locked.Game of politics at top line of sports .Youth are getting bullet,bomb, rocket launcher in their hands but, field of sports had no green light.
Importance is that university and colleges should do competition of different games.And figure out cream of sports students and give them remand. do competition among universities and colleges. Should work on jimnasium of university. Should improve grant of colleges. And those student who have sports man spirit should engage to at national team.Don't take black sheeps in team just take on merit
In this way we can get talent and increase in quantity of good players who can show their talent at nationality, and also make famous name Pakistani at international level and come back confidence of pakistani.


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