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Sunday, January 10, 2010


What do the words drug rehab, luxurious accommodations, sunset walks on the beach, surfing, horseback riding and gourmet chefs have in common? They all await you at your drug rehab stay with us here at Sunset Malibu. We are known as the most exclusive, luxurious, private and effective drug treatment center in Malibu, California. In addition, we offer drug treatment programs that are tailored for each person, assuring you the best possible treatment to help you regain sobriety.

Not only does our world-famous beach location offer the kind of drug rehab that will help you regain your life, but your stay with us will be the best experience of your life, and start your road to recovery.

Drug rehab is, for many addicts, an unknown entity: a mysterious and mystifying process, a journey with no discernible beginning or end. At the same time, drug rehab is in a very significant sense a drug addict’s last best hope for sobriety, and so it is that self-education is vital to the drug recovery process. If drug recovery is going to help you get better, you’ve got to understand it as it actually is: how it works, and why it’s successful. Drug treatment, in the end, is and can only be a patient-driven undertaking. Please, for your own sake, resolve to learn enough to make the thing go.

Think of it like this: You can’t fight what you can’t see. For drug rehab programs to be effective, drug rehab patients have got to face the recovery process with open eyes, and open minds; drug rehab is only effective when it’s grounded in a firm comprehension of the truth as it actually is. Drug rehab, importantly, is the sort of undertaking that never succeeds through illusion. If you’re going to get better, you’ve got to face the music.

And the facing, importantly, is something that every drug rehab patient has ultimately got to do for himself. The success or failure of your drug rehab program is in the most fundamental sense up to you; you’re the one who’s got to get healthy in drug rehab, and you’re the one who’s got to make the healing happen. To put it bluntly: No drug rehab center can take you where you aren’t willing to go. Drug rehab that works, in the end, is drug rehab that’s made to work by the patients it serves.

And so, again, there’s no excuse for ignorance in the drug rehab process. As a drug rehab patient, it’s incumbent upon you to learn everything you need to know: about how drug rehab works, and what makes drug rehab go; about what drug rehab demands of drug rehab patients, and how you can make healing a reality. In the world of drug addiction and drug recovery, what you don’t know very certainly can hurt you. Make today the day you finally resolve to get your head around drug rehab.

Drug Dependency and Substance Abuse
However you parse the details, drug dependency and substance abuse both pose serious threats to modern American society: Drug addicts constitute an increasingly troubling percentage of the country’s overall population, and drug addiction itself has become an increasingly onerous burden on individuals and communities. Successful drug rehab, in turn, has got to start with a thorough understanding of the scope of the problem.

The most reliable studies suggest that as many as fifteen million Americans suffer from some form of drug dependency, a figure that is remarkable both for what it says and what it doesn’t. First, and obviously, fifteen million is a big number; those fifteen million drug addicts constitute almost five percent of the United State population, and speak to the centrality of drug rehab programs in shaping the country’s future. At the same time, though, statistics alone could never tell the whole truth about drug addiction and drug rehab.

No one is safe. That’s the bottom line here, the only that could ever really matter: No one is safe, not from drug abuse or drug dependency or any of the other unfortunate fates that land millions of Americans in drug rehab programs every year. A big bank account won’t keep you out of a drug rehab center; a fancy car won’t make the drug rehab process any easier. Drug addiction is an equal-opportunity disease, and anyone who makes the mistake of believing that drug rehab is for “someone else” is treading a dangerous and illusive line.

That said, the news isn’t all bad, because here’s another truth about drug rehab programs, and drug rehab centers: They can work for everyone. No matter who you are, no matter how hopeless you feel, drug rehab can help you get better. All you’ve got to do is commit yourself to the drug rehab process.

Addicts and Addiction
Drug addiction, like drug rehab, is ultimately a uniquely intimate phenomenon: Addicts experience addiction on an individual level, in a way that is never quite the same from one iteration to the next. Understanding the profoundly personal nature of drug dependency is essential to the drug rehab process, especially insofar as only those addicts who can see what they’re up against can ever hope to overcome it.

Drug rehab is essential to drug recovery because drug addiction is a disease, a clinical disorder with clinical roots that demands, in the end, clinical treatment solutions administered in a professional treatment environment. Think of it like this: A cancer patient would never fight cancer without enlisting the help of expert oncologists. By the same token, no drug addict can ever expect to get sober without seeking expert drug rehab from qualified drug rehab professionals.

It’ also bears noting that drug dependency is a two-headed disease: It exists in a physical dimension on the one hand and a psychological dimension on the other. Drug rehab, in turn, is effective only when it confronts addiction in its entirety, and a drug rehab program that leaves part of the disease untreated can’t ever hope to be successful. Think of it like this: If you’re going to beat drug addiction in drug rehab, you’ve got to get down to the guts of the problem.

And those guts, importantly, have ultimately got to be addressed by addicts themselves. For all of the importance of drug rehab and drug rehab centers, the nature of addiction is such that the success or failure of a drug rehab program can only be in the hands of its patients. Yes, drug rehab can work for anyone…but the essential qualifier is that drug rehab can only work for those individuals who resolve to make it work. Drug rehab, in the end, is no more or no less than what you put into it.

Drug Rehab Programs
As addiction is both a physical and psychological disorder, so must drug rehab mount a physical and psychological offensive against it. Successful drug rehab programs are those which account for the comprehensive health of the patients under their charge, with an eye towards helping recovering addicts develop the physiological and emotional tools necessary for long-term sobriety. Drug treatment that works, simply put, is drug treatment that meets need wherever it finds it.

From a physical perspective, drug rehab is concerned first and foremost with breaking the physiological dependencies associated with addiction. Most drug rehab centers incorporate special drug detox facilities, in which doctors and caregivers help patients manage the physical side symptoms of drug withdrawal with a range of advanced medical therapies. The goal, of course, is to allow patients to weather the first stage of sobriety as smoothly as possible, and to prepare them to embark on the rest of their drug rehab journeys with sound minds and stable spirits.

But such physical recovery is only the beginning of the drug rehab process, not the end. To be effective, a drug rehab program must incorporate intensive addiction counseling services, with an eye towards effecting the sort of personal growth and individual development upon which all lasting sobriety must be ultimately be predicated. That drug rehab plan which fails to promote emotional healing, you might say, isn’t much of a drug rehab plan at all; if you’re going to get better, you can’t do it halfheartedly.

And, again: The success or failure of your drug rehab program is and can only be up to you. Personal growth, after all, has to come from within, and no drug rehab center in the world can make you better against your will. You’ve to be an active agent for recovery, is the point; when you enter a drug rehab center, the future is quite literally in your hands.

The Right Drug Rehab Center
It’s an obvious but often unrecognized fact: No two drug rehab centers are alike. Finding a drug rehab program that’s right for you means, in large part, finding a drug rehab facility that recognizes you as you are, and as you need to be recognized: as a unique individual with unique individual needs, for whom drug treatment can only work it’s specially-tailored and expertly-administered. The drug rehab center that’s right for you, in other words, is the one that gives you exactly what you need. Sunset Malibu offers individual treatment programs for each individual, we are here for you.

If you’ve made it this far, you probably already know: Some drug rehab programs claim to offer a universal cure for drug addiction and drug abuse, a single solution that can and does and will work for every drug rehab patient. Such assertions, of course, are grounded in the notion that every prospective drug rehab patient is essentially the same, and that what works for one should work them all.

Unfortunately, such thinking is grossly antithetical to successful drug rehab. The truth is that no two drug rehab patients are ever alike, and any drug rehab program which treats them as such is doomed to fail. Again, the drug rehab center that’s right for you is the one that doesn’t make grand claims about catchall treatments; the drug rehab center that’s right for you is the one that concerns itself with you, and your needs, and recognizes that you are unlike anyone else on the planet.

Remember, finding a drug rehab center that treats you as an individual can make a world of difference. Yes, the success or failure of your drug rehab experience is ultimately up to you…but the care and support offered by a drug rehab program is very often instrumental in a patient’s struggle to beat drug addiction once and for all. Put simply, drug rehab works when a drug rehab program empowers it patients, and helps them make the most of their own individual agency. In choosing a drug rehab center that’s right for you, you can’t afford to settle for anything less.
Making Drug Recovery Real
There is, of course, but one acceptable end of the drug rehab process, one target for which all rehabilitation programs do and must ultimately aim: drug recovery. Drug treatment that fails to effect meaningful and substantive sobriety doesn’t deserve to be called drug treatment at all; addiction counseling which leaves addiction still standing is, to say the least, a gross contradiction in terms. To get better, you’ve got to get all the way better. In the fight against drug addiction, partial victory just isn’t good enough.

What that means, in a practical sense, is that successful drug rehab programs do and must account for the long-term health of their patients. Concretely, aftercare and sober living services can be vital in promoting lasting sobriety, especially insofar as they provide a bridge between the cloistered security of primary drug rehab and the rugged independence of the real world. The drug rehab center that’s right for you, then, is and must be the one that leaves you on stable footing the day you say goodbye to it. Sunset Malibu is here to walk you to the road of recovery.

But that day, obviously, is still a long way down the road. What’s important now is that you know the truth: You know that drug rehab is the most important thing you’ll ever do, and you know that finding the right drug rehab center is vital to the ultimate success of your drug recovery process. If anything’s been made clear here, let it be that you can’t afford to wait: You need drug rehab today, and not acting, quite frankly, is not an option. Please, for your own sake, make this moment the one you start making drug rehab work for you.

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